On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Gold amulet in the form of a cobra

2000-100 BCE

Canopic jar featuring portrait of Imseti

1400-700 BCE

Neolithic flint scraper

4000-2001 BCE

Freud electronic laughing ball


Harpenden pocket stadiometer sent out to Ludlow Boys' School as part of a series of nationwide measurements


Plano-convex brick, Ubaid, Iraq, c 2500 BC.

2500 BCE

Small stone scarab pierced longitudinally with flat base engraved with design of standing harpist and seated figure


Length of red silk ribbon worn as a belt to promote general good health


Statue of goddess Vishnu

1800- 500 BCE

Mummified bird, Egypt, 2000-100 BCE

2000-100 BCE

Mummy of a crocodile, Egypt, 2000-1001 BCE

2000-1001 BCE

Mobile cellular telephone (Motorola 'Flip Phone') model no. F09SQD8955AB


Four fragments of Egyptian blue glass from Tel-el-Amarna

1200 BCE

Egyptian weight, 12th Dynasty

circa 1800 BCE

Islamic astrolabe, 1145-1155


Sheet gold votive breast, Egyptian, 1500BC-100BC

1500-100 BCE

Ancient Egyptian equal-arm balance

1370-1350 BCE

Egyptian Syenite weight, 18th Dynasty

circa 1500 BCE

Pottery/clay weight, Syrian

circa 1500 BCE

Replica of Islamic Astrolabe

1066; 1876

Two washers


Small bell-shaped bronze mortars


Two washers


Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Pottery vase found at Nihawnad, Persia

3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Limestone weight, Syrian

circa 1500 BCE

Limestone weight, Syrian

circa 1500 BCE

Basalt pebble weight, Syrian

circa 1500 BCE

Black haematite Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Phoenician system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Phoenician system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Transparent quartz Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Deben system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Shell used as Ink and Paint Well, Egypt, 3000 BCE

3000 BCE

Egyptian weight in the form of a frog

circa 1350 BCE

Small Stone Age

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, core-type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE